獸電戰隊強龍者(獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー) – 中村靜香 – DinoSoul(古代ver.)

中村靜香 – DinoSoul(古代ver.)

  1. Try though I might to stem the flow of fate, still its sands slip away from me
    But there you were to help me bear their weight, and in my heart you shall always be
    May the circle of life become the ties that bond, let my prayer reach through them now to you
    Warriors of the great dinosaurs of old, keep the fangs of your heart ever strong
    Listen to the fire that burns within your soul, and welcome the coming new dawn with your song

    Just a touch let me see within your heart, hear the music that lay inside
    And I knew that though we may one day part, the song within would never have died
    From their lips to mine now these words shall become song, passed across the ages now born anew
    With the power of your courage burning bright, reach for your dreams and it won’t be long
    ‘Til the promise that we made will come to light, we’ll welcome the coming new dawn with our song

    Try though I might to stem the flow of fate, still its sands slip away from me
    But there you were to help me bear their weight, and in my heart you shall always be
    And in my heart you shall always be

  2. いい歌すぎる 幼少期のいろんな思い出が蘇って戻りたくなって泣きそーになって、それにこの曲は遠い昔の時代を感じさせてくれますね

  3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💌💌💌💌💌💌💌👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😭😭😭😭😭😭

  4. 自閉症のアタシに取っては心が落ち着く曲だったし嫌だった過去を思い出して不安を感じた時に今の幸せに感謝しながらアカペラで歌ったりもしたわ。

  5. そういえば獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャーの映画見に行ったなー一番好きな戦隊ものだったよあれから約9年か、中学3年生になったよ!

  6. この曲友達から、教えて貰いました。


  7. この曲ってガーディアンズの秘石から生まれたんだよね?つまりこれが獣電竜達の鄙願への祈りだとしたらめっちゃエモくない?

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