Suzuka Nakamoto & Yoko Takahashi – Tamashii no Rufuran (Live audio)

Made by fan to fans
Fanmade duet

  1. 御本家はメタルのバックトラックにあわせる歌唱をしてない

  2. Yoko Takahashi is the Queen of Anime Songs (Tamashii no Rufuran, Cruel Angel Thesis, Aoki, Flamme, Wing, and so many others) and jazz singer supreme. Su will sound very more like Yoko as her voice matures.

  3. Yoko is so good. Her lows, and vibratos are lovely. Not fair to compare as Su was still a young teen here. Sumetal style is also very different – she rarely use vibrato, almost none in this song. Her singing is more on power, laser-focus, control – the style suits her slicing through the heavy sound of Babymetal. Both sound good!

  4. Yoko is great singer, but yeah for me vibrato makes singers sounded weak. I'm really curious how Su will sound when she completed her technique and reached mature voice.

  5. Yoko add the warmth and the fullest of a grown vocalist while Su add the power and clarity, can't believe teenage Su can competitive/accompany so well when they're duet, their voices go together like meat and bone and give the song full spice

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