『チェリまほ』で話題!赤楚衛二が初の写真集を発売 “恋人役”町田啓太も祝福「すごくうれしい」 赤楚衛二 1st写真集『A』発売会見





#赤楚衛二 #チェリまほ #30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい

  1. For foreign viewer

    I just understand a little, but hope this will help
    -He choose name A for his first photobook because his name start with A and A is the first alphabet.
    -he show his most favorite photo that potray his personality very well (which he wear purple clothes)
    -he took photo(which he wear white tshirt) in rainy day but the result is surprisingly very nice
    -He always want to go to Okinawa so he shoot his photobook there because the place is beautiful
    -He didn't show his photobook to his family yet, but soon he would
    -He receive a congratulation from cherry maho team and Machida keita say it first to him
    -He beg a support from his fans for the future

  2. 全くわざとらしくないのに無自覚的にあざといというか、本人はいたって自然体というか普通そうに振る舞ってるのにかわいすぎる瞬間がしょっちゅうあるのがずるい

  3. 動く赤楚くんと、そして最近やっと手に入れた

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