California Hair Stylist Sets Client's Hair on Fire to Get Rid of Split Ends

Hair stylist JR D’Angeles claims cutting hair with blunt scissors causes breakage and more split ends! The California businessman was recently seen rubbing a model’s neck and ears with anti-burn protective cream before setting her hair ablaze. It’s a technique he says leaves his clients’ hair silky smooth. He didn’t invent the method, saying he first saw it growing up in the Philippines, but hopes it catches on here in the states.’s Keleigh Nealon ( has more. #InsideEdition

  1. That's so dumb. You can literally see the hair underneath burning uncontrollably. Her hair is going to be so uneven in length.

  2. This guy's dangerous and the relevant authorities should close his hairdressing salon down. I can see things can get out of hand too quickly here. It's only one step away from getting burned alive. That fire can just blow up and engulf their heads. He is CRAZY.

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