민아(Minah) – 나도 여자예요(I am a woman too) @인기가요 Inkigayo 150405

SBS 인기가요 809회 20150405 SBS
민아(Minah) – 나도 여자예요(I am a woman too)

홈페이지 http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/programMainList.do?pgm_id=00000010182

  1. i've been a girl's day fan since twinkle twinkle era back when minah was always bright and smiling on stages, but since expect i feel like she's getting more and more tired to the point she can't hold her exhausted expressions anymore. i feel so bad for her, she finally reached her goal but seems to not enjoying it bcs she's fully tired. poor minah, find strenght and keep fighting!

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