【MV】鈴木雅之 feat. 高城れに『Love is Show』特別上映版「かぐや様は告らせたい-ファーストキッスは終わらない-」OP主題歌

鈴木雅之 feat. 高城れに
「Love is Show」
作詞・作曲:水野良樹 編曲:本間昭光

2022.12.16 Streaming/Download Start:

アニソン界の”永遠の”大型新人・鈴木雅之、大人気シリーズの最新作である特別上映版『かぐや様は告らせたい-ファーストキッスは終わらない-』オープニング主題歌に、「かぐや様は告らせたい」アニメシリーズ4作連続となる起用が決定。同シリーズのOP曲では恒例のデュエットパートナーには、「ももいろクローバーZ」の高城れにを起用。新作のタイトルは「Love is Show」。作家陣はこちらも4作連続で作詞作曲を水野良樹(いきものがかり・HIROBA)、サウンドプロデューサーを本間昭光が担当するなど、盤石の布陣での新曲となっている。

■鈴木雅之 Links
Official Site:https://www.martin.jp/
Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/martin40_staff
Official Blog:https://ameblo.jp/suzuki-masayuki/

Momoiro Clover Z Official Site:https://www.momoclo.net/
Momoiro Clover Z Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/mcz517_official
Momoiro Clover Z Official Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/mcz517_official/
Momoiro Clover Z Official TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@mcz517_official
Reni Takagi Official Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/takagireni_official/
Reni Takagi Official TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@reni_takagi

公式Twitter:@anime_kaguya https://twitter.com/anime_kaguya

Love is Show
魅せてくれ 忘れられないKissをして
ふたりで甘い秘密を 抱きしめたい
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !

純情 気づいていたね
奪いとった くちびるが

ボクも キミも 普通じゃないね
これから先は Venus ! Venus !

Love is Show
魅せてくれ 忘れられないKissをして
ふたりで甘い秘密を 抱きしめたい
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !


ボクも キミも どうにかしてる
もういいだろ Venus ! Venus !

Love is Show
どうすればいい この胸の火が消えない
夜明けがたとえ来なくとも そばにいてよ
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !

純白のこれからを ふたりで夢に染める
戻れない物語 君となら生きれる
かけがえのないドラマを ともに踊りたい
いつまでも いつまでも

Love is Show
愛してる 終わりのないKissをして
永遠なる ふたりの奇跡 解き明かしたい

Love is Show
魅せてくれ 忘れられないKissをして
ふたりで甘い秘密を 抱きしめたい
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !

Love is Show
Mesmerize me with an unforgettable kiss
I want to embrace a sweet secret between you
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
Don’t stop the love

Our talk stopped, and
innocence was in the air
I stole a kiss and read your lips
saying “I don’t want to go”

Romance is swinging its needle
Neither you nor I can no longer stay sane
I guess this is not like but love
From now on… Venus! Venus!
I won’t leave you alone

Love is Show
Mesmerize me with an unforgettable kiss
I want to embrace a sweet secret between you
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
Don’t stop the love

With cynical chats
I thought I’d played it cool
But I’m so much under your spell now
that I don’t think I can run away anymore

I can picture you even with my eyes closed
Both you and I are crazy
I guess this is not like but love
It’s about time… Venus! Venus!
Don’t leave me alone

Love is Show
What can I do to this ever-burning heart?
Stay with me even if we don’t see the light of dawn
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
I want to light up the love

Let’s color the pure-white future with our dreams
A story of no turning back; with you I can live it
I want to dance the irreplaceable drama with you
Forever and ever

Love is Show
I love you; give me an endless kiss
to untangle our eternal miracle

Love is Show
Mesmerize me with an unforgettable kiss
I want to embrace a sweet secret between you
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
Don’t stop the love
Mesmerize me with an unforgettable kiss
I want to embrace a sweet secret between you
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
Don’t stop the love

Our talk stopped, and
innocence was in the air
I stole a kiss and read your lips
saying “I don’t want to go”

Romance is swinging its needle
Neither you nor I can no longer stay sane
I guess this is not like but love
From now on… Venus! Venus!
I won’t leave you alone

Love is Show
Mesmerize me with an unforgettable kiss
I want to embrace a sweet secret between you
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
Don’t stop the love

With cynical chats
I thought I’d played it cool
But I’m so much under your spell now
that I don’t think I can run away anymore

I can picture you even with my eyes closed
Both you and I are crazy
I guess this is not like but love
It’s about time… Venus! Venus!
Don’t leave me alone

Love is Show
What can I do to this ever-burning heart?
Stay with me even if we don’t see the light of dawn
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
I want to light up the love

Let’s color the pure-white future with our dreams
A story of no turning back; with you I can live it
I want to dance the irreplaceable drama with you
Forever and ever

Love is Show
I love you; give me an endless kiss
to untangle our eternal miracle

Love is Show
Mesmerize me with an unforgettable kiss
I want to embrace a sweet secret between you
Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy !
Don’t stop the love

  1. ■鈴木雅之コメント

    最新作のデュエットパートナーは、音楽番組等で何度か共演している「ももクロ」の高城れに。今回の新曲「Love is Show」で、初めて作品として彼女と共演出来ることをとても嬉しく思っています。歴代個性的で素敵なパートナー達とのパフォーマンスは、ヴォーカリストとして至福の瞬間です。

    Masayuki Suzuki Comment

    I am Masayuki Suzuki, the "eternal" big newcomer of anison.
    This is the goal I set for myself when I reached the age of 60, and the offer from Kaguya's team was a challenge I could not have wished for. I am grateful for the opportunity to sing the theme song for this special screening, and I am reminded of the importance of having a goal in mind.
    My duet partner for the latest film is Reni Takagi of Momokuro, with whom I have performed several times on music programs. I am very happy to be able to perform with her for the first time as a piece in this new song "Love is Show". Performing with the unique and wonderful partners of the past generations is a blissful moment for me as a vocalist.
    With each work, I have grown closer to Kaguya-sama fans, and now I feel as if I am one of them. I would be happy if you could enjoy the story and the theme song as much as I do in this special screening.


    今回「かぐや様は告らせたい-ファーストキッスは終わらない-」オープニング主題歌「Love is Show」を鈴木雅之さんと歌わせていただく事になりました、高城れにです!

    Comment from Reni Takagi (Momoiro Clover Z)

    I am Reni Takagi and I will be singing the opening theme song "Love is Show" with Masayuki Suzuki for "Kaguya-sama ga Sotoshirasai – First Kiss Never Ends"!
    When I heard about it, I was really happy as if it was a dream.
    I felt a lot of pressure because the work is loved by so many people, but I did my best to be close to the world view with all my might!
    I hope that the music as well as the work will be loved by many people…!

  2. 「かぐや様は告らせたい」の映像化シリーズが終了したあとも「アニソン界の大型新人」をぜひ❗続けてください❗❗

  3. 4回もかぐや様の主題歌をして下さり本当にありがとうございます!

  4. This is an unexpected collaboration. Thank goodness, Reni Takagi from Momoiro Clover Z had another exposure. We want her recognition back once again.

  5. 今日かぐや様映画見てきましたけど…
    笑いあり感動あり 最後まで

  6. 映画館でこれ流れた時ほんと鳥肌たった。映像と相まってまじ感動した。これぞかぐや様のオープニング

  7. 映画まじ良かったんで皆さん是非見てみて!上映館が50館とかで超少ないからそこが残念。作画はめちゃ良かった。作画だけで言えば転スラとSAOより良かったと思う。ストーリーに関してはかぐや様も転スラもSAOも超満足

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