新垣里沙 (Risa Niigaki) & 愛高橋 (Ai Takahashi)

新垣里沙 Risa Niigaki
愛高橋 Ai Takahashi

Takahashi Ai (20 yrs) of popular idol Morning Musume, accidentally sprained her right ankle, during a concert held at Yokosuka Art Center in Yokosukashi, Kanagawa on 28th April.

On the day where 2 performances are held at 2:30PM and 6:00PM, according to the management office, the accident happened on the afternoon performance. Towards the end of the performance, she stumbled on the stage, twirled and sprained her right ankle. She was sent straight to the hospital from the stage, but re-appeared on-stage in good form during the 7th song of the night performance.


  1. @puddingalie It doesn't matter how many times you say it, you're still wrong. This was earlier in the same tour, sure, but this was NOT Yossie's graduation concert. Forget that they're actually talking about Aichan's ankle in this clip, just look at the size of the stage and audience — that is NOT Saitama Super Arena.

  2. @KashukoProject

    No! Eri is graduating! So if Ai-chan leave Morning Musume –> Risa : leader & Sayumi : sub-leader! Tsunku can change the order but normally it's Sayu!

  3. By the way at 0:12 that is Sayumi running as fast as "Usagi Bolt" to join Eri in comforting Ai. People give Sayu a lot of grief for her "I'm the cutest" role that she plays, but she has a heart of gold .

  4. @KashukoProject She actually fell during an earlier performance and had just returned from the hospital. They're crying because they're singing "Aruiteru," the lyrics of which were particularly meaningful in that situation.

  5. Sayu and JunJun (I think) were just smiling like "ok" and ran off but Gaki actually went over there, hugged her with all her heart and cried with her….I love them together.

  6. I can't believe they are spliting Ai and Risa up with AI's graduation this year. Risa's going to ake a great leader but I love how they work so well together.

  7. @asukaworld

  8. @yukiechan143
    They normally go on to be TV hosts or have their own solo career so its not like youll never hear from her again. All the past graduates show up all the time(Or the popular ones do anyway) so takahashi will be no different. Plus she'll probably tour with the elders aswell, no reason why she'd be dropped.
    I think the time of the Idol has run its course in Japan, its time they found something else

  9. I just realize… Yossie graduated on my birthday.. It's a signe… well I had no idea risa an ai were so close, wonderfull to see<3

  10. LOL I find it cute Ai-chan has a cute sweet baby like voice but when shes singing it becomes extreme power anf fierce lol.

    but even in that condition she still says daijoubu..
    and still performing the best in her senpai's final concert..
    i'm touched!!

  12. こんなのありましたか。アイちゃんよろけて右の足首ひねって立ち上がれなくなってまっすぐ病院へとか説明にあるけど、その時の映像ですか。でも再び病院からステージへ。ダンスが多いライブは大変だね。アイちゃんはどんな歌でも歌いこなせる最高のモー娘。・・だったね。ほんと歌はピカイチです。

  13. それまではちょっとウルッときたけど


  14. この時点で5期は2人っきりなんですよね

  15. Risa : Ai-chan?
    Ai : Yes!
    Risa: Are you ok?
    Ai : ??
    Risa : I'm worried
    Ai : I'm fine.

    After that, my japanese is not good so I can't translate.

  16. 0:15愛ちゃんないてる ガッキーも貰い泣き がきさん泣いているのに愛ちゃん大丈夫?と涙耐えながらいってますね 動画見ている俺までジーンときました

  17. 元ヲタです。懐かしいなぁ。

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