危険なカンケイ 第1話〈深田恭子主演〉




  1. can some one please tell me how do i watch the rest of the bee tv drama?! both this one and the older drama in 2012: "L et M"… now, I'm in Australia, is there anything i can do??? even if it's buying the dvd, i just don't know how to buy since i can't read Japanese…. please help!!!!!!!! or at least upload more??? i phone app??? what to do??

  2. I wish someone would put the rest of the episodes here on You Tube so that the rest of us can see them.It would be nice you know. I hope that someone does.I personally would like to see the rest of it.I too have looked for the rest of it;And I can not find it either.

  3. this is a cellphone drama, so you won't be able to watch it unless you're subscribed to a japanese cellphone service xD I don't know if they have DVDs out, but you can try searching the official site or other typical ones like amazon japan

  4. 日本映画は、常に女優が美しく魅力に溢れ、男優は風さいがあがらず、視聴する男客が夢を持てるように仕組んであるということだろうか。あるいはキムタクのような魅力に富む男優が日本には矮小であるということだろうか。わからない。素直な第一印象ですが。

  5. 10年以上OLやけどこんなシーン一度もない。一回、マフラー🧣拾ってくれたお兄さんいたけど、声かけられて振り向いた瞬間に投げられた。

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